Aug 14, 2013

Getting Fit Post-Baby

Getting Fit Post-Baby
While pregnant for the first time you hear lots of unhelpful things...horrific labor stories, that you will be tired for years, that your jeans will never fit again, and on and on. You take these in stride, remind yourself people don't mean to be discouraging (or down right terrifying), and qui…

Aug 14, 2013

Modern Cloth Diapering 101

Modern Cloth Diapering 101
Modern Cloth Diapering 101 - The Basics It is a bit hard to judge living in California (where ‘green’ is cool), but it seems that cloth diapering has been gaining more mainstream popularity with the development of modern cloth diapers ( FuzziBunz , Bum Genius, G Diaper, etc). They caught my eye at a b…

Aug 14, 2013

Happy Blog Launch Day!

Happy Blog Launch Day!
Happy Blog Launch Day! After all of the dreaming, planning, and writing, it feels good to finally say it - Welcome to! I feel like celebrating. How do you celebrate the launch of a blog that you have been secretly working on for months? By baking and decorating a tiny layer cake,…